FMZB 1512
FMZB 1513
FMZB 1513-60
Активная магнитная рамочная антенна в соответствии с CISPR 16
Диапазон рабочих частот: 9 кГц - 30 МГц
Антенный фактор: 20 дБ/м
Встроенный NiMH аккумулятор
Съемная ручка 180 мм из стекловолокна
Диаметр петли: 60 см
Портативная модель
FMZB 1519 C
FMZB 1525
FMZB 1525 - это активная, экранированная портативная рамочная антенна с почти одинаковым коэффициентом усиления антенны во всем диапазоне частот.
Антенна может использоваться для тестирования в соответствии с CISPR, MIL, IEEE, FCC, EN, ISO, ANSI, ETSI и многими другими стандартами.
Диапазон рабочих частот: 9 кГц - 30 МГц
Изотропная антенна поля H для держателя Rohde und Schwarz FSH или TS-EMF.
Диапазон рабочих частот:
9 кГц - 200 (300) МГц
Малый вес
Внешний деаметр примерно 150 мм
Выбор активного контура и источника питания для антенны обеспечивается входящим в комплект коротким кабелем, который можно напрямую подключить к R&S FSH.
HFRA 1356
HFRA 1356 представляет собой пассивную петлевую антенну, настроенную на резонансную частоту 13,56 МГц с полосой пропускания 370 кГц (-3 дБ).
Назначение антенны - эффективно создавать определенные магнитные поля на частоте 13,56 МГц, то есть тестировать устройства связи в ближней зоен или устройства для создания полей.
Поле ближней зоны описанно ISO 18092, ECMA 340, ETSI TS 102 190.
HFRA 5155 - Пассивная приемная магнитная антенна
Рамочная антенна HFRA 5155 была разработана для создания малых и средних магнитных полей в диапазоне частот от 100 кГц до 300 МГц. HFRA 5155 состоит из экранированного однооборотного контура диаметром 50 мм. Ровная частотная характеристика достигается с помощью широкополосного трансформатора.
HHS 5201-6 - Катушки Гельмгольца
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5201-98 - Катушки Гельмгольца
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5202-9 - Катушки Гельмгольца
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5202-81 - Circular Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5204-12 - Circular Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5204-36 - Circular Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5206-4 - Circular Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5206-8 - Circular Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5206-16 - Circular Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5206-25 - Circular Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5206-132 - Circular Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5210-10 - Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5210-100 - Helmholtz Coils
HHS 5210-100 2.5 - Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5212-10 - Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5213-50 - Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5213-100 - Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5215-10 - Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5215-100 - Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5218 - Helmholtz Coils
Катушки Гельмгольца
HHS 5230-100 - Helmholtz Coils
The Helmholtz-Coil HHS 5230-100 are especially designed to generate precisely defined magnetic fields from DC to ca. 5 kHz, e.g. according to SAE J551-17.
Typical applications are magnetic immunity testing to whole vehicles according to SAEJ551-17 (Vehicle Electromagnetic Immunity – Power Line Magnetic Fields).
Recommended Accessories:HHS 3D 5213-50 - 3D Helmholtz-Coil
With the three-dimensional Helmholtz coil HHS 3D 5213-50 it is possible to create any vector field.
Radiating Loops
FESP 5139 - Radiating Loop
The magnetic, handheld coil FESP 5139 was designed to generate defined mag-netic fieldstrength in the frequency range from DC up to 5 (7) MHz. The main application is immunity testing against magnetic fields according to IEC 61000-4-39.
Depending on the current source char-acteristics magnetic fields up to 360 A/m can be generated for a short time. The generated magnetic fieldstrength is pro-portional to the coil current. A distance ring allows a precise spacing of 50 mm between coil and EUT surface. Other distance rings can be used to scale the current-fieldstrength ratio. The highest fieldstrength levels can be achieved using the shortest ring. There are further rings available on request in order to provide a certain scaling between coil current and magnetic fieldstrength (e.g. 1 A coil current = 20 A/m fieldstrength).
Application as Sensor for Magnetic Fields:
The FESP 5139 can also be used to measure existing magnetic fields. For this purpose the FESP 5139 is connected to a frequency selective 50 Ohm measuring instrument e.g. a spectrum analyzer or a measuring receiver.
FESP 5133-9 - Circular screened Coil
The magnetic, handheld coil FESP 5133 was designed to generate defined magnetic field strength in the audio frequency range up to 3 MHz. The main application is immunity testing against magnetic fields according to VG 95377 Part 13 and many others. Depending on the current source characteristics magnetic fields up to 400 A/m can be generated for a short time.
There are further rings available on request in order to provide a certain scaling between coil current and magnetic field strength (e.g. 1 Amp coil current = 10 A/m field strength).
Application as magnetic field probe:
The FESP 5133-9 can also be used to measure existing magnetic fields. The open circuit output voltage is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength (at fixed frequency) or directly proportional to frequency (at constant magnetic field strength).
FESP 5132 - Radiating Loop
The magnetic, handheld coil FESP 5132 was designed to generate defined magnetic fieldstrength in the audio frequency range up to 100 kHz. The main application is immunity testing against magnetic fields according to EN 55103 and MIL-STD-461 E. Depending on the current source characteristics magnetic fields up to 1500 A/m can be generated for a short time.
The generated magnetic fieldstrength is proportional to the coil current. A distance ring allows a precise spacing of 50 mm between coil and EUT surface. Other distance rings can be used to scale the current-fieldstrength ratio. The highest fieldstrength levels can be achieved using the shortest ring. There are further rings available on request in order to provide a certain scaling between coil current and magnetic fieldstrength (e.g. 1 Amp coil current = 100 Amp/m fieldstrength).
Application as magnetic field probe:
The FESP 5132 can also be used to measure existing magnetic fields. The open circuit output voltage is directly proportional to the magnetic fieldstrength (at fixed frequency) or directly proportional to frequency (at constant magnetic fieldstrength).
Option LoopHolder50: Calibration fixture to hold FESP 5134-40 in FESP 5132 in a distance of 50 mm acc. MIL461E figure RS101-3.
FESP 5133-1330 - Circular Coil
The handheld coil FESP 5133-1330 was designed for immunity testing against magnetic fields up to approx. 20 kHz. The coil has 225 turns of Cu-wire on 15 layers. There are spacers to provide a constant distance of 50 mm between coil center and EuT-surface. The generated magnetic fieldstrength is direct proportional to the coil current. Typical Applications are Immunity Tests according to the Measuring Method SF 01 G acc. to VG 95377 standard.
FESP 5135 - Circular unshielded Coil
The magnetic loop FESP 5135 was designed to generate magnetic fields in the frequency range up to 300 kHz. The FESP 5135 is esp ecially used for magnetic immunity testing for large EuT which does not fit between Helmholtz coils. The FESP 5135 is equipped with spacers in order to achieve good repeatability of test results without using additional length measuring equipment. The magn etic fieldstrength generated by the coil is strictly proportional to the coil current, therefore a current measurement ca be used to determine the actual fieldstrength.
FESP 5133 - Circular screened Coil
The magnetic, handheld coil FESP 5133 was designed to generate defined magnetic field strength in the audio frequency range up to 100 kHz. The main application is immunity testing against magnetic fields according to e.g. (of professional studio equipment acc. to EN 55103), MIL-STD 461, VG 95377 part 13) and many others). Depending on the current source characteristics magnetic fields up to 1000 A/m can be generated for a short time.
The generated magnetic field strength is proportional to the coil current. Two different distance rings (50 mm and 100 mm separation) are supplied to ensure a well defined spacing between the coil plane and the EuT-surface. The highest field strength levels can be achieved using the shortest ring. There are further rings available on request in order to provide a certain scaling between coil current and magnetic field strength (e.g. 1 Amp coil current = 100 Amp/m field strength)
Application as magnetic field probe:
The FESP 5133 can also be used to measure existing magnetic fields. The open circuit output voltage is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength (at fixed frequency) or directly proportional to frequency (at constant magnetic field strength).
FESP 5210-1 - Square Induction Coil
The square induction coil FESP 5210-1 is used to generate magnetic fields for immunity testing according to IEC 61000-4-8, IEC 61000-4-9 and IEC 61000-4-10. The edge length of the square shaped coil is 1 m. The coil comes with wing terminals, which allow a versatile and simple connection to the current source.
Operation as Helmholtz Coil:
Two square induction coil FESP 5210-1 can be combined to form a Helmholtz coil pair. The main advantages of a Helmholtz coil pair is an increase of fieldstrength and a significant improve- ment of field uniformity. For this purpose the coil planes are aligned in parallel. Electrically the coils have to be wired in series, keeping in mind that the current through the coils must flow in the same direction. This is very important to obtain the wanted addition of both fieldstrength contributions in the volume between the coils.
FESP 5410-1 - Square Induction Coil
The square induction coil FESP 5410-1 is used to generate magnetic fields for immunity testing according to IEC 61000-4-8, IEC 61000-4-9 and IEC 61000-4-10. The side length of the square shaped coil is 1 m. The coil comes with screw terminals.
Operation as Helmholtz Coil:
Two square induction coil FESP 5410-1 can be combined to form a Helmholtz coil pair. The main advantages of a Helmholtz coil pair is an increase of fieldstrength and a significant improvement of field uniformity. For this purpose the coil planes are aligned in parallel. Electrically the coils have to be wired in series, keeping in mind that the current through the coils must flow in the same direction. This is very important to obtain the wanted addition of both fieldstrength contributions in the volume between the coils.
MFPO 9760 - Current Transformer and Pulse Generator
The MFPO 9760 is a current transformer for the typical mains frequencies of 50 Hz / 60 Hz. It is used to feed the 1 m square induction coil FESP 5410-1. This coil can reach magnetic field strengths of 1000 A/m for short time and 360 A/m continuously in its center. As this coil has only one turn it has relatively low inductance and can be used for fast signals in the time domain. On the other hand a one turn coil has a low coil factor and needs to be driven with hundreds of Ampere to reach the fields expected by IEC 61000-4-8.
The pulse generator which is built into MFPO 9760 allows defined “ON intervals” of 0.5…5.0 seconds. Other time intervals can be set by manually holding the start button longer. Alternatively the interval can be set usiing the remote input.